The Industrial Revolution

  1. 2. The owners of companies and factories
  2. 3. Workers negotiated for better pay and conditions
  3. 5. Gender equality within voting rights
  4. 9. A water based resource that powered many new inventions
  5. 10. Machine that made cotton into fabric
  6. 11. Theory by Adam Smith on Economics
  7. 17. Poor people who mostly worked in factories
  8. 19. Where goods are manufactured
  9. 20. Buying and selling goods
  1. 1. First country to have an Industrial Revolution
  2. 2. A social class that developed during the industrial revolution
  3. 4. He published an essay on the principle of population in 1798
  4. 6. A shift of people and jobs from rural areas to cities
  5. 7. Non-renewable resource used to power new inventions/machines
  6. 8. Worked for cheaper wages
  7. 12. Main political action taken by Labor Unions to protest working conditions
  8. 13. Blocked air vents and unwashed machines caused this
  9. 14. He developed the Laissez Faire theory and invented a popular machine
  10. 15. The wealth and resources of a country
  11. 16. Popular product used to make fabric
  12. 17. Lack of good ____ led to worker strikes
  13. 18. German philosopher who promoted the radical theory of "scientific socialism"