The Industrial Revolution

  1. 7. The working class
  2. 10. Large businesses that produce and distribute goods
  3. 14. Workers' organizations
  4. 15. An economic system based on private ownership and profit motivation
  5. 16. System that caused farmers to leave their land and move to cities
  6. 18. Money used to invest in new businesses
  7. 19. David Ricardo believed that ____ increases wouldn't raise a family's standard of living
  8. 20. Nation that was the first to industrialize
  9. 22. German philosopher who predicted a struggle between social classes, resulting in a classless society
  10. 23. During the Industrial Revolution, people migrated from rural areas to _____.
  1. 1. A mechanical device that increased farm output
  2. 2. The middle class
  3. 3. Those who manage and assume the financial risk of new businesses
  4. 4. A series of child labor reform laws
  5. 5. An economic system in which there is even distribution of wealth
  6. 6. An economic system in which the government owns the means of production
  7. 8. Machine that was developed in response to the booming textile industry; led to increased cotton production
  8. 9. The idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number"
  9. 11. The movement of people to cities
  10. 12. Thomas Malthus predicted wrongly that the population would outpace ____ supply
  11. 13. Since children had helped work on the _____, parents accepted the idea of child labor
  12. 17. Men often lost their factory and mining jobs to women and ______ because they would work for lower wages.
  13. 21. The first factories developed in the ______ industry, replacing the putting-out system