
  1. 2. Basic unit of a digitized image on the screen based on color dots or grayscale
  2. 3. It is the connection, correspondence, treatment, communication of someone with another person.
  3. 4. the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, thinking, among other things
  4. 6. planet or the population of any particular country or region
  5. 8. creates some product, service or process, which is characterized by being something new, perfected that goes beyond the conventional
  1. 1. application organized within a set of science knowledge and technical skills to create a solution
  2. 3. measurement used to know the number of pixels a monitor has.
  3. 5. Set of devices or machines, created in the same period of time and that have common characteristics
  4. 7. portable device that can make or receive calls over a radio frequency carrier
  5. 9. set of systematic and previously defined instructions used to perform a specific task