The Internal Environment

  1. 1. Sets out all of the conditions and responsibilities of the franchisee and franchisor to ensure the rights are clear for both parties.
  2. 3. A business model that has a physical store presence.
  3. 4. This refers to the people that provide their skills, effort and knowledge to the business, including the owner and the business' employees.
  4. 7. Gives the business direction of what the goals they want to achieve are.
  5. 9. Sells the rights to use the franchise’s business name and distribute its products to a franchisee.
  6. 12. There is an obligation to make payments for the entire period of the lease which puts pressure on the business' cash flow.
  7. 15. The external environment and refers to the broad operating conditions which impact a business. A business has no control over this environment.
  8. 19. the calculated monetary value of a business’s established reputation. Business owner's need to pay goodwill when they are buying an existing business.
  9. 20. This is a business whose shares are traded on an open market such as the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) which has an unlimited number of shareholders
  10. 22. A business that is owned and operated the government.
  11. 23. This refers to the tools and equipment that is used to produce goods or perform services.
  12. 25. This is a business with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 20 owners that is unincorporated.
  13. 26. Number of main business models
  14. 29. The environment that refers to the specific outside stakeholders with whom the business operates when conducting its business. A business has some control over this environment.
  15. 30. This is a form of short-term borrowing that allows a business to overdraw its account up to an agreed amount, meaning the business can withdraw cash even when there is no money in their account.
  16. 33. A plan that identifies how the business will operate to make profit.
  17. 36. This is a form of short-term borrowing and is when a supplier provides goods/services to a business and allows them to pay at a later date as determined by the supplier. This is generally between 30 and 90 days after the original purchase.
  18. 37. A factor to consider when determining business location
  1. 2. Factors that are outside of a business that impact the business and can be divided into two categories - the operating environment and the macro environment.
  2. 5. Internal source of finance
  3. 6. A business model that allows another person to operate it under its name.
  4. 8. This is a business which has one owner who is the sole person legally responsible for the business and has full decision-making authority.
  5. 10. of rent or purchase A factor to consider when determining business location
  6. 11. A type of business that aims to fulfil a community or environmental need
  7. 13. Disadvantage of a sole trader
  8. 14. Overarching term for external source of finance
  9. 16. a business model where goods and services are traded via the internet.
  10. 17. These are items used by a business that come from the natural environment, such as land, raw materials and water.
  11. 18. selling goods or services. Examples include reducing poverty and providing employment opportunities to disadvantaged members of society. Whilst social enterprises still aim to make a profit, the primary aim is to address a social issue rather than financially benefits owners or shareholders.
  12. 21. A business model that aims to fulfil a community or environmental need by selling goods or services.
  13. 24. This is an incorporated business with a maximum of 50 shareholders.
  14. 27. Example of what a social enterprise does
  15. 28. Disadvantage of purchasing an established business
  16. 31. Factors within the business over which the business has a large degree of control.
  17. 32. This is a form of long-term borrowing which involves paying money in order to use equipment that is owned by another party.
  18. 34. Internal source of finance
  19. 35. The resource of a tractor on a farm
  20. 38. This is a form of long-term borrowing which are funds provided by a bank or other lender for a specific purpose which is repaid over a period of time.