The international position of the People's Republic of China

  1. 2. When Mao travelled to Moscow in December 1949, he wanted to negotiate this
  2. 4. in 1949 USA was beginning to do this from Jieshi's GMD regime
  3. 5. according to the terms of the treaty, soviet economic advisers who were sent to china were not subject to this
  4. 6. after 1952, the record of Chinese soldiers in Korea had great value of this
  5. 7. Jiang quickly established this over the government once in Taiwan
  6. 9. after the communists took over there were efforts to do this to the region
  7. 10. once the Korean War broke out, the USA lined up on the side of defending this of Taiwan
  8. 11. PLA forces in Korean War were described as this
  9. 12. this was descended around china's borders
  1. 1. Taiwan became involved in this of the USA
  2. 3. One of Mao's fixed policies was to do this to Taiwan and Tibet
  3. 8. After June 1950 war broke out between the north and south after North Korean forces invaded the south and captured this city