The Joy of Fellowship with God

  1. 2. The word should ________ in your hearts richly.
  2. 3. We study to bring forth _______ in our lives.
  3. 4. When in fellowship with God you get _________ answered.
  4. 7. God is ________.
  5. 8. Opposite of sorrow.
  6. 10. These were given to us when we became born again.
  7. 13. God, the ________ of the heavens and earth.
  8. 14. We want to have _________ in Christian living.
  1. 1. We are to get________ into studying the word.
  2. 3. We can __________ with God daily.
  3. 5. The more __________ life is available to all born again believers.
  4. 6. We ________ our minds on the word of God.
  5. 9. To have joy we must ______ fellowship with God.
  6. 11. Our aim is to have ___________ with God.
  7. 12. We are saved by _________.