The Judicial Murder of Tsui Ning

  1. 2. having to do with judges, courts, or their activities
  2. 3. changing direction frequently; twisting, winding, or crooked, as a path
  3. 5. a brief, concise statement of a general or basic truth or rule, esp. for proper conduct
  4. 7. having to do with forces separate from or higher than natural laws
  5. 11. those who are accomplished in scholarly or literary fields
  6. 15. of or pertaining to conversation, as opposed to formal writing
  7. 16. events causing great harm, pain, or destruction; disasters
  8. 17. river with nine bends
  1. 1. of or having a great variety of parts, forms, or kinds; many and varied
  2. 4. the great Way
  3. 6. extremely rigid and strict in moral or religious matters
  4. 8. of, or relating to, workers or working-class people
  5. 9. the process of growth or increase
  6. 10. a funny saying or action; joke
  7. 12. a woman who cohabits with a man but is not married to him; mistress
  8. 13. to attack from all sides; besiege
  9. 14. skill used in a sly or tricky way