The jungle

  1. 3. description people gave most of the time
  2. 5. "they use everything about the hog except"
  3. 8. Sinclair author
  4. 11. jungle full title
  5. 13. city the book takes place in
  6. 14. built to strengthen operations
  7. 15. result of the jungle
  8. 17. cased hams Onas job in packing-town
  9. 18. system Method of production
  10. 21. what strikebreakers are called
  11. 22. major type of people who worked
  12. 25. river containing waste
  13. 26. where most men work
  14. 27. protagonist
  15. 28. Sinclair was trying to promote
  16. 29. keeps having babies and ends up dying
  17. 30. attempt to pursue American dream
  18. 31. the use of modern mobile attack
  1. 1. ascribed to the community
  2. 2. form of transportation
  3. 4. where Jurgis and Ona are from
  4. 5. form of the government
  5. 6. worker who helped Jurgis get a job
  6. 7. Daune man Jurgis meets in jail
  7. 9. girls who got kidnapped and forced to work, ended up getting addicted to drugs
  8. 10. one of the trusts that run everything
  9. 12. the guy that brought ona to Mrs. Hendersons house
  10. 16. Motifs
  11. 19. working conditions
  12. 20. the setting of the book
  13. 23. description of Jurgis in the beginning
  14. 24. the reason the family moved to Chicago