The Jungle

  1. 3. Strike that took place between the unions and the packers.
  2. 7. Throughout the story jurgis was sent here a couple times for getting into fights.
  3. 10. “They use everything about the hog except the ____”
  4. 11. Person who comes from a different country.
  5. 15. This season made it very hard for people to get to work.
  6. 17. Phrase to describe Jugis returning back to work after he gets hurt.
  7. 22. One of the main characters, around 15 years old, is described as small.
  8. 23. A word used to describe the bad conditions the workers had to work in.
  9. 24. One of the animals they slaughtered.
  10. 25. Person who sits at the bar to try to draw people in.
  11. 26. When the workers fingers get so cold.
  12. 27. This word was used to describe Jurgis and Onas house.
  13. 28. Place where animals are stored and cut up.
  14. 29. Worker who kills the animals before they are cut up and packaged.
  1. 1. Person who gives Jurgis 100 dollars.
  2. 2. Organization of workers made to protect other interests and improve wages.
  3. 4. Worst place for people to work, had to wear a sponge over their mouth, came out smelling gross, people died after working there.
  4. 5. Ona’s stepmother.
  5. 6. What the workers did to the animals.
  6. 7. One of the main characters, around 20 years old, described as strong and big.
  7. 8. These workers worked in the slaughterhouse and it was their job to cut heads off of the animals.
  8. 9. Name of Ona and Jurgis baby.
  9. 12. Ona’s cousin.
  10. 13. This happened to many people, including Ona, after having one of her babies.
  11. 14. Color used to describe Chicago.
  12. 16. They use this term to describe some of the workers. They are compared to....
  13. 18. Jurgis gets addicted to this and it starts to cause problems for him.
  14. 19. Part of the Chicago river, all the drainage pours into it, grease and chemicals make it bubble.
  15. 20. Worker who cleans the floor.
  16. 21. Ona’s boss.