  1. 1. Receiving temple blessings arms us with _______ as we serve the Lord in the Temple.
  2. 3. Joseph Smith offered the dedicatory _______.
  3. 5. Joseph Smith asks the Lord to _______ and bless those who worship in the Temple.
  4. 9. Some degree of sacrifice has ever been __________with Temple building and Temple attendance.
  5. 11. Church members ________ time, money, and possessions to help build a house for the Lord.
  6. 12. The Prophet prayed that those who spread lies about the Saints would be _____________.
  7. 13. The Lord _________ us to build Temples.
  8. 15. Temples are a __________ to the world.
  9. 16. Saints labored and sacrificed for almost ______ years to build the Kirtland Temple.
  1. 1. Out of our ___________, we have given of our substance.
  2. 2. Joseph Smith asked the Lord to assist the Saints with _______ so they could be worthy in His sight.
  3. 4. In the Temple, the Lord can ________ himself to us.
  4. 6. Almost one _________ Saints attended the dedicatory service for the Kirtland Temple.
  5. 7. In the house of the Lord, faithful Church members can be ________ with power from on high.
  6. 8. Without ___________, Joseph could not know what was wanted.
  7. 10. If the Lord's people are worth and worship Him in the Temple, then ____________ will not prevail over them.
  8. 14. Joseph Smith asks the Lord to _______ the Kirtland Temple and to bless those who worship there.