The Kitchen

  1. 3. an electrical device to make toast
  2. 6. bread baked in one piece
  3. 7. a tool with two or more prongs to lift food to the mouth
  4. 8. a round container open at the top
  5. 10. a small bowl shaped container for drinking
  6. 11. a tumbler, a beverage container with a flat bottom
  7. 12. containers, usually metal and round, used for cooking
  8. 14. used to crush soft foods like cooked potatoes
  9. 15. a square piece of paper or cloth to wipe your fingers and mouth
  10. 18. Used to cut or spread
  11. 20. used for cooking or heating food
  12. 21. a cold place to store food and drink
  13. 22. a board to place things for cutting
  14. 24. a place to keep food at a very low temperature
  15. 25. machine used to mix things
  1. 1. Filled with mayonnaise, or mustard, or jam
  2. 2. a piece of thick absorbent cloth or paper
  3. 4. Used to flip or remove food
  4. 5. a pin rolled over dough to flatten and shape it
  5. 9. used to open tin cans
  6. 12. a container, made of metal, used for cooking
  7. 13. used for eating, stirring, and serving food
  8. 14. a machine for brewing coffee
  9. 16. a flat round dish from which food is eaten or served
  10. 17. an enclosed compartment for heating, baking, or cooking food
  11. 19. used to grate food, like cheese
  12. 20. a place to wash dishes or your hands
  13. 23. a container in which water is boiled, having a spout, lid, and handle