The knee

  1. 7. used to evaluate pcl tear
  2. 8. used to evaluate a mcl tear
  3. 10. a chronic illness caused by repetitive jumping or running.
  4. 14. the lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg
  5. 15. range of motion
  6. 16. below the knee cap
  7. 17. caused by excessive hyperextension of the knee.
  8. 20. Caused by falling on a flexed knee.
  9. 21. Caused by a varus force to the knee.
  10. 23. deformity,pain and swelling are signs.
  11. 24. extending the knee
  12. 25. bending the knee
  1. 1. O
  2. 2. weight bearing with rotational or extension force.
  3. 3. Caused by valgus force to the knee.
  4. 4. used to evaluate an acl tear
  5. 5. S
  6. 6. top of the knee
  7. 9. What you give the athlete after they get hurt
  8. 11. touched along the side of the shin bone
  9. 12. caused by a direct blow to the end.
  10. 13. a chronic injury caused by incorrect patellar tracking.
  11. 18. overuse injury
  12. 19. above the knee
  13. 20. below the knee cap
  14. 22. What does p! stand for?