The Korean War

  1. 2. - International organization that supported South Korea
  2. 4. - Irregular fighter
  3. 6. - Traditional Korean dish eaten by soldiers
  4. 8. - Mobile army surgical hospital
  5. 11. - Alternate spelling for the site of a major amphibious landing
  6. 12. - Rapid military advance
  7. 17. - Ceasefire agreement
  8. 19. - US strategy to stop the spread of communism
  9. 20. - US President during the early years of the war
  10. 21. - Soldiers killed, wounded, or missing in action
  11. 22. - River marking the border between North Korea and China
  12. 25. - Reservoir where UN forces faced a brutal battle
  13. 26. - Information used to influence opinions
  14. 28. - Small trench for individual soldiers
  15. 29. - Temporary cessation of hostilities
  1. 1. - City where UN forces held a defensive perimeter
  2. 3. Il-sung** - Leader of North Korea during the war
  3. 5. - Large-caliber weapons used for long-range attacks
  4. 7. - Capital city of North Korea
  5. 9. - Situation where neither side can make progress
  6. 10. - Demilitarized Zone established after the war
  7. 13. - Removal of civilians from dangerous areas
  8. 14. - Site of a major amphibious landing by UN forces
  9. 15. - Captured soldier
  10. 16. - Village where armistice negotiations took place
  11. 18. here are 10 more:
  12. 21. - Nation that intervened on behalf of North Korea
  13. 23. - Incendiary substance used in bombings
  14. 24. - American general who commanded UN forces
  15. 26. - Chinese general who led forces against UN troops
  16. 27. - Parallel dividing North and South Korea