The language of maps

  1. 1. a long, wide ocean inlet that normally runs parellel to the coast
  2. 4. a mountain with a crater at the top that throws out molten rock, steam and ashes when active
  3. 7. low land between hills or mountains that usually has a river flowing through it
  4. 8. the loops in a river caused by fast water eroding the outside of the bend and slower water depositing material on the inside of the bend
  5. 10. a group os islands made up of thre crests of an underwater mountain range
  6. 12. most mountains are arranged in groups known as ranges
  7. 15. a coral reef in the shape of a ring or horseshoe that encloses a lagoon
  8. 16. a sheltered part of a sea or lake formed by a large curve in its shore
  9. 18. a structure built to break the force of the waves or stop the erosion of a beach
  10. 21. a piece of land almost surrounded by water but still connected to the mainland
  11. 23. a stream of fresh water that flows in a natural channel into a larger river, lake or sea
  12. 24. a stream or river that contributes to another river
  13. 25. a flat-topped hill with steep sides, found in deserts
  14. 26. an offshore ridge of rocks, coral or sand
  15. 27. a large floating piece of ice that has broken away from an ice shelf or a glacier
  16. 29. an arid area of land that recieves less than 250 mm of rainfall each year
  17. 30. land that extends into the ocean, river or lake
  18. 31. a narrow strip of land with water on both sides that connects two larger pieces of land
  19. 32. a large mass of ice that moves slowly through a valley
  20. 35. a piece of land completely surrounded by water
  21. 37. ar area of the desert with ground water at or near the surface
  22. 38. a waterway constructed by people for transport or irrigation
  23. 39. a narrow deposit of sand and other material that extends into a body of water such as the sea, a lake or river
  1. 2. large areas of salt water that surround the continents
  2. 3. an extensive area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
  3. 5. a deep, narrow valley with steep sides
  4. 6. a raised part of the earth's surface
  5. 9. the area drained by a river and its tributaries
  6. 11. land that extends into the ocean, river or lake
  7. 13. an extended ridge of high land often with a steep slope on one side and a gentle slope on the other
  8. 14. a body of water sheltered by natural or artificial barriers and deep enough to moor ships
  9. 17. land that is much higher than its surroundings
  10. 19. a steep fall of water from a height that cascades over hard rock onto a section of eroded land below
  11. 20. high land between two drainage basins. water flows in different directions on either side
  12. 22. the sandy or pebbly land at the edge of a sea, lake or river
  13. 28. a sheltered part of a sea of lake formed by a curve in its shore.
  14. 29. a flat area of deposited material at the mouth of a river which divides the river into smaller streams
  15. 33. a shallow area of water, partially or completely seperated from the sea by a bar, spit or reef
  16. 34. a bowl-shaped depression formed by snow and ice. It is found on mountains in glaciated areas
  17. 36. a narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water
  18. 38. a high, steep, rocky slope formed by erosion or earths movements