The Laws of the Land

  1. 1. The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who _ his name
  2. 5. The Ten _
  3. 6. For in _ days the Lord made the heavens and the earth
  4. 8. Hammurabi was the king of _
  5. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's _
  6. 13. You shall not commit _
  1. 2. The Ten Commandments are given in the book of _
  2. 3. Honor your father and your _
  3. 4. The Code of _
  4. 6. Remember the _ day by keeping it holy
  5. 7. You shall have no other _ before me
  6. 9. The Code of Hammurabi wound up in a _
  7. 11. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of _
  8. 12. Moses threw down the stone tablets in the story of the Golden