The Legal System glossary

  1. 4. Disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws
  2. 6. Latin for "land belonging to know one". International law term indicating that no state(country) has sovereignty over the land.
  3. 8. law rules applicable to people in the Armed Forces
  4. 9. A document which sets out how an organisation or a country will be governed Separation of Powers
  5. 13. Government ministers and employees of government departments responsible for enforcing the law e.g. police officers and tax office
  6. 14. A legally trained person who is appointed by parliament to preside(sit, hear and decide) cases in a Local Court Coroners Court, Children’s Court. In these courts there is never a jury all decisions are made by the magistrate
  7. 16. condition or unconditional release from custody for a person charged with a criminal offence prior to their court hearing/trial. having someone pay a sum of money to secure your release
  8. 18. A legally trained person who is appointed to preside in higher courts such as the District Court, Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, federal Circuity Court, Federal Court, Family Court and High Court. In a criminal case in the District or Supreme Courts, there will be a jury if the accused pleads not guilty.
  1. 1. Courts and judges who interpret the law
  2. 2. When a person rules a country or state with cruelty and abuses their power
  3. 3. a group pf 12 citizens on the electoral roll (enrolled to vote) who are randomly selected to sit on a jury to hear all evidence in a criminal trial and determine whether the accused is guilty or not guilty. Most civil trials do not have a jury. In cases involving large sums of money there may be a jury of 4-6. In defamation cases 4 jurors.
  4. 5. means that no one person is above the law, including law makers.
  5. 7. Parliament (federal and state) that make the laws/legislations/acts of parliament
  6. 10. Means that people who can prove that their ancestors settled on a certain part of the land (before European settlement) have legal ownership over it
  7. 11. The court hearing of a criminal or civil case to determine an outcome. In a criminal trial whether the accused is guilty or not guilty and pass sentence if guilty
  8. 12. traditional indigenous rules that outlined the correct way of living Common law, System of law based on previous decisions of just judges or precedents
  9. 15. A review of a lower court’s decision. It does NOT rehear the case only deals with the matter on appeal eg the harshness of the sentence, the admissibility, inadmissibility of Evidence the leniency of the sentence.
  10. 17. The term used to describe a case where an individual or company takes legal action to recover money in a civil case ( not criminal) due to damage or injury caused by the other party eg breach of contract, negligence, defamation.