- 3. A hero of the country road; also like Katrina
- 4. Ichabod uses this at the beginning of school to scare away evil spirits
- 5. A solider who died in an unnamed war and became a spirit
- 11. The prettiest girl in town
- 12. A bewitched place near Tarry Town
- 13. The horse that Ichabod had when being chased by the Headless Horseman
- 15. The place where From said it was safe from the Headless Horseman
- 1. Ichabod usually helped these types of people with farm animals and hay
- 2. Katrina's father
- 6. He likes a girl named Katrina; is a school teacher
- 7. Ichabod likes to sing this type of tune when he feels scared Baltus Van Tassel
- 8. Ichabod helped the town's church choir and became a ______________________
- 9. A small marketing town near the shore of the Hudson River
- 10. Katrina and Brom Bones got __________________ after Ichabod died
- 14. Ichabod's favortite type of book called Cotton Mather's 'History of New England __________________________.