The Life and reign of Jephthah

  1. 2. Daughters of Israel went four days each year to lament the daughter of Jephthah became this is Israel
  2. 4. Jephthah passed through Gilead and _ as he advanced toward the people of Ammon
  3. 7. whatever comes out of to meet me shall surely be the LORD’s(4)
  4. 8. Jephthah said the Gileadites hated him and _ from his father’s house.
  5. 19. what Jephthah did with his vow with his daughter which he had vowed(2)
  6. 20. Did not trust Israel to pass through his territory
  7. 21. Jephthah asked of the Gileadites to be if the Lord delivers the people of Ammon to him
  8. 22. Place Jephthah’s daughter asked for time to go and wander in
  9. 24. Jephthah promised this type of offering to the LORD (2)
  10. 25. A Gileadite the son of a harlot
  11. 26. King of Ammon said Israel took his land from the ___
  12. 27. King of Ammon asked Israel to restore his lands ___
  13. 28. Jephthah asked King of the Amorites if he is better than who?
  14. 30. King of Ammon said Israel took his land to the ____
  1. 1. The elders of Gilead asked Jephthah to come and be that they may fight Ammon
  2. 3. Those in Israel who lament the daughter of Jephthah each year
  3. 5. Israel sent to the king of __, saying ‘Please let me pass through your land.’
  4. 6. Year for which the Israel dwelt in villages of Heshbon and Aroer
  5. 9. Jephthah said may the LORD render this between the children of Israel and the people of Ammon
  6. 10. Jephthah’s daughter and her friends will bewail this
  7. 11. The brothers said he shall not have in their father’s house
  8. 12. The god of the Amorites
  9. 13. Jephtah said Israel did not take Ammon’s land when they came up from ___
  10. 14. the men who banded together with a Jephthah and went raiding with him
  11. 15. Time Jephthah’s daughter asked him to let her alone for(2)
  12. 16. Number of the cities of Ammon that Jephthah defeated
  13. 17. came out to meet Jephthah when he returned from battle
  14. 18. Israel sent to the king of __, saying ‘Please let me pass through your land.
  15. 23. Jephthah said king of Ammon has __ him by fighting against him
  16. 25. King of Ammon said Israel took his land as far as ___
  17. 29. Jephthah made to the LORD