- 6. Annabeth's mom
- 7. Percy's latin teacher.
- 8. Percy's stepfather.
- 10. Zeus's father
- 11. Mr.Brunner second name
- 12. Son of the sea god.
- 14. Sea god
- 17. The three monsters that attacked Percy in the bus
- 19. Zeus's stolen weapon
- 22. The age the titans ruled.
- 23. A satyr
- 1. The first monster Percy killed.
- 2. God of the underworld
- 3. Home of Zeus
- 4. The school Percy went to.
- 5. The camp Percy stayed at.
- 9. God of war
- 11. The monster that made Riptide
- 13. Percy's cabin
- 15. King of the gods.
- 16. Percy's sword
- 18. The water park Percy traveled to.
- 20. The amount of time Percy has to find the bolt
- 21. The car Grover and Percy crashed in.