The Lightining Theif

  1. 6. Annabeth's mom
  2. 7. Percy's latin teacher.
  3. 8. Percy's stepfather.
  4. 10. Zeus's father
  5. 11. Mr.Brunner second name
  6. 12. Son of the sea god.
  7. 14. Sea god
  8. 17. The three monsters that attacked Percy in the bus
  9. 19. Zeus's stolen weapon
  10. 22. The age the titans ruled.
  11. 23. A satyr
  1. 1. The first monster Percy killed.
  2. 2. God of the underworld
  3. 3. Home of Zeus
  4. 4. The school Percy went to.
  5. 5. The camp Percy stayed at.
  6. 9. God of war
  7. 11. The monster that made Riptide
  8. 13. Percy's cabin
  9. 15. King of the gods.
  10. 16. Percy's sword
  11. 18. The water park Percy traveled to.
  12. 20. The amount of time Percy has to find the bolt
  13. 21. The car Grover and Percy crashed in.