- 4. What state does Cristina move to in season 9
- 7. Baileys, Guiness, and jameson is called an irish ____
- 9. What girl is openly bisexual
- 10. Who is responsible for the death of Karev's father?
- 11. What was the special pager called in season 4 of Greys
- 13. Isaiah's earring is a ____ (Love Island)
- 15. Sereniti named her boobs ___ and Tamera
- 16. What medical condition does bailey develop
- 18. What color highlights does callie get after cristina cuts her hair
- 19. Who gets shot first in the episode of greys with the shooter
- 20. what is the name of the game I play with my father?
- 21. How old is Heidi after yesterday
- 22. Upon which animal does izzie operate
- 23. "____ people smell"
- 24. Who was Courtney's ORIGINAL partner
- 1. what was the chemical compound that cured Izzie's cancer
- 2. What sport did Henry play professionally (Greys)
- 3. Which boy on love island has an nose ring
- 5. what was the name of the former football player in casa amor
- 6. What girl has kissed the only bisexual girl in a challenge?
- 8. James's last order on Sunday was ____
- 9. Who sings the song that plays During Pam and Jim's wedding
- 11. Who has the best hair of the OG girls
- 12. Who was the first girl to leave the villa
- 14. James's first order at dellas is always an orange crush and a _____
- 15. Who does Jeff hook up with in Casa Amor
- 17. Who was the first OG boy to leave the villa