The Lions of Little Rock (Chapters 1-9)

  1. 1. JT's full name (What does JT stand for?)
  2. 3. Marlee daydreams that she and have two kids named Cosine and _______
  3. 5. Marlee's compares this character to cough syrup
  4. 7. Marlee's favorite food
  5. 9. Football team mascot
  6. 10. Liz's favorite color
  7. 13. At the football game, Marlee and Liz eat hot dogs and ____ for dinner
  8. 14. Marlee's favorite subject
  9. 15. Liz's full name
  10. 17. Last name of Marlee's math teacher
  1. 2. Liz and Marlee both like this math game
  2. 4. The animal (plural) that Marlee listens to at night
  3. 5. Soviet satelitte sent into space in 1957 (see p. 35)
  4. 6. Last name of Marlee's homeroom teacher
  5. 8. The name of Marlee's family's maid
  6. 11. The name of the album Judy and Marlee play when they clean
  7. 12. Sally's last name
  8. 14. Marlee's dad is this drink
  9. 16. JT's last name