The Lion's Roar: Religion

  1. 2. (easy) Hero known as the Lightbringer
  2. 6. (hard) Lord of water and murlocs
  3. 8. (hard) Titan master of magic and lore
  4. 9. (easy) Kaldorei supreme deity
  5. 11. (easy) Gods of the trolls
  6. 12. (hard) Book of holy words
  1. 1. (medium) Celestial of strength
  2. 3. (medium) Kul Tiran priests of the sea
  3. 4. (medium) Father of druidism
  4. 5. (easy) Former lord of fire
  5. 7. (easy) Heavily armed priests of the Light
  6. 10. (medium) Manifestations of the Light