- 2. (hard) Weapon that destroyed Theramore
- 4. (hard) Pandaren faction of the Horde
- 7. (hard) Second warchief of the Horde (surname)
- 8. (medium) Plains home to the tauren
- 10. (medium) Orcish clan in Alterac
- 11. (easy) The Banshee Queen and former warchief
- 12. (medium) Former god-king of the Zandalari
- 1. (easy) Capital of the Horde
- 3. (easy) Leader of the tauren (surname)
- 5. (easy) Language of the high/blood/void elves
- 6. (medium) Chief architect of the Horde
- 9. (easy) Raised victims freed from the Scourge