The Lion's Roar: The Horde

  1. 2. (hard) Weapon that destroyed Theramore
  2. 4. (hard) Pandaren faction of the Horde
  3. 7. (hard) Second warchief of the Horde (surname)
  4. 8. (medium) Plains home to the tauren
  5. 10. (medium) Orcish clan in Alterac
  6. 11. (easy) The Banshee Queen and former warchief
  7. 12. (medium) Former god-king of the Zandalari
  1. 1. (easy) Capital of the Horde
  2. 3. (easy) Leader of the tauren (surname)
  3. 5. (easy) Language of the high/blood/void elves
  4. 6. (medium) Chief architect of the Horde
  5. 9. (easy) Raised victims freed from the Scourge