The Liturgical Year

  1. 3. The colour of Pentecost
  2. 6. A new one of this candle is blessed and lit at the Service of Light
  3. 10. traditional practices of growth during Lent are prayer, almsgiving and ____________.
  4. 12. This word describes the season of Lent
  5. 13. The colour of Ordinary Time
  6. 15. A symbol of Jesus' passion is the crown of ________
  7. 18. The devotion practised on Good Friday where the Faithful kiss the cross - known as _______ of the Cross
  8. 20. The Church celebrates this day 50 days after Easter
  9. 22. This season prepares us for the coming of Christ at Christmas
  10. 24. The Service of Light is part of the Easter ________
  11. 25. A symbol of the Easter season is the empty _______
  12. 26. This word means "God-with-us"
  1. 1. The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a new _______________ year in the Church
  2. 2. A symbol of Advent is the Advent ____________
  3. 4. The Mass of the Lord's Supper takes place on _____________ Thursday evening.
  4. 5. A latin word that means "coming"
  5. 7. This is celebrated 40 days after Easter
  6. 8. Christmas celebrates Christ becoming human. This is also known as the...
  7. 9. The colour of Lent
  8. 10. A symbol for Pentecost is a tongue of _________
  9. 11. When Jesus washed the disciples' feet, he was showing them an example of _______________.
  10. 14. The Gospel readings of Lent are often stories involving John the _______________
  11. 16. The rose candle on the Advent Wreath is also known as the ________________ candle.
  12. 17. Ash Wednesday marks the start of this season
  13. 19. The pink (rose) candle on the third Sunday of Adevnt represents...
  14. 21. Sometimes in the centre of the Advent wreath there is a white candle known as the _________ candle
  15. 23. The 3 days that celebrate the passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus as one feast is called the Easter __________.