- 2. The name of half asleep trees
- 4. Gandalf's new color
- 5. The name of the race of Pippin and Merry
- 6. What was thrown from the tower at Gandalf
- 9. Who Gandalf told to keep the object thrown from the tower safe
- 12. The name of the place the Ents took over
- 13. Ginli's weapon of choice
- 14. Legolas' weapon of choice
- 17. The type of creature that Pippin and Merry meet in the forest
- 18. The name of King Théoden's bad advisor
- 20. The name of the forest the Pippin and Merry escape into
- 21. Aragorn's nickname
- 23. The type of elf Legolas is
- 24. Who stole the object thrown from the tower
- 25. What the Ents built to prevent the man in the tower from escaping
- 26. Where Gimli escaped to during the battle at Helm's Deep
- 1. The name of the creature Pippin and Merry met
- 3. Aragorn's weapon of choice
- 5. The name of the fortress that Aragorn, his companions, and the Riders of Rohan fend off from orcs
- 7. Who Aragorn and his companions meet in the forest
- 8. The name of the leader of the riders Aragorn and his companions met
- 10. What was seen flying in the night sky
- 11. Who Wormtongue was really working for
- 15. The name of the tower in the place taken over by the Ents
- 16. The name of the Ents' drink
- 18. The name Éomer gives Aragorn
- 19. Gets killed while trying to protect Pippin and Merry
- 22. Cried out when he saw an Ent