The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

  1. 2. The name of half asleep trees
  2. 4. Gandalf's new color
  3. 5. The name of the race of Pippin and Merry
  4. 6. What was thrown from the tower at Gandalf
  5. 9. Who Gandalf told to keep the object thrown from the tower safe
  6. 12. The name of the place the Ents took over
  7. 13. Ginli's weapon of choice
  8. 14. Legolas' weapon of choice
  9. 17. The type of creature that Pippin and Merry meet in the forest
  10. 18. The name of King Théoden's bad advisor
  11. 20. The name of the forest the Pippin and Merry escape into
  12. 21. Aragorn's nickname
  13. 23. The type of elf Legolas is
  14. 24. Who stole the object thrown from the tower
  15. 25. What the Ents built to prevent the man in the tower from escaping
  16. 26. Where Gimli escaped to during the battle at Helm's Deep
  1. 1. The name of the creature Pippin and Merry met
  2. 3. Aragorn's weapon of choice
  3. 5. The name of the fortress that Aragorn, his companions, and the Riders of Rohan fend off from orcs
  4. 7. Who Aragorn and his companions meet in the forest
  5. 8. The name of the leader of the riders Aragorn and his companions met
  6. 10. What was seen flying in the night sky
  7. 11. Who Wormtongue was really working for
  8. 15. The name of the tower in the place taken over by the Ents
  9. 16. The name of the Ents' drink
  10. 18. The name Éomer gives Aragorn
  11. 19. Gets killed while trying to protect Pippin and Merry
  12. 22. Cried out when he saw an Ent