- 4. Who is the father of Gimli, the dwarf who joins the fellowship?
- 5. Who is Gandalf's horse?
- 8. In The Return of the King, who kills the Witch-king?
- 9. According to the Appendices of The Lord of the Rings, what does Aragorn call Arwen when he first sees her?
- 10. In The Two Towers which of the hobbits look into the Palantir?
- 1. What is the full first name of Pippin, one of the four hobbits in the Fellowship?
- 2. Who is Frodo's father?
- 3. What race are the Uruk-Hai who kidnap Merry and Pippin in "The Two Towers"?
- 6. What is Strider's real name?
- 7. Treebeard is a character who assists in the battle against Isengard. What race is Treebeard?