The lymphatic system and immunity

  1. 2. In the spleen there are large amounts of what stored
  2. 3. Thymus gland produces what lymphocytes
  3. 5. gland who is a lymphatic organs and an endocrine gland
  4. 8. straw colored fluid similar to blood plasma
  5. 9. What are our soldiers of defense
  6. 10. produce lymphocytes and filters bacteria
  7. 12. pathogens or foreign matter
  8. 14. Immunity is the body ability to ____ pathogens and foregin material
  1. 1. The spleen forms RBO in the ___
  2. 4. What is and enlargement of the lymph nodes
  3. 6. Mass of lymphatic tissue
  4. 7. what way do lymph vessels go?
  5. 11. I am one example of natural immunity
  6. 12. The ___ were the spleen is located at is in the upper left abdomen
  7. 13. ADIS is caused by ___ virus