The Magpies nest2

  1. 1. new born chil
  2. 4. birds fly with it
  3. 5. fluffy layer or covering on wings
  4. 6. one who teaches us
  5. 8. we are awake all night
  6. 9. no mistake
  7. 12. accept what the other one is saying
  8. 14. a long piece of wood
  9. 16. requested badly
  1. 1. talking proudly
  2. 2. angry or a symbol to show a mistake
  3. 3. we do it in exams
  4. 7. past time of select
  5. 10. movements of wings of birds
  6. 11. discussing or simple chit-chatting
  7. 13. to show bad behaviour to someone
  8. 15. who gives birth to a child