The Marae

  1. 2. Place where the main speakers sit
  2. 4. To have a feast
  3. 5. Process of being welcomed onto a marae
  4. 6. Carved panel in a wharenui
  5. 7. Ridgepole of the wharenui
  6. 10. Window
  7. 12. Carved slab over the window of the wharenui
  8. 17. Back wall post of a wharenui supporting the ridge pole
  9. 18. Carved figure at the top of the wharenui
  10. 20. To shake hands
  11. 21. Bargeboards of the wharenui
  1. 1. Projected carved ends of the maihi
  2. 3. Carved face on the gable of a wharenui
  3. 5. Front wall post of a wharenui supporting the ridge pole
  4. 8. Patterned rafters in a wharenui
  5. 9. Upright supports of the lower ends of the maihi
  6. 11. Woven panels in a the wharenui
  7. 13. Doorway
  8. 14. A challenge at a pōwhiri
  9. 15. To press noses
  10. 16. Gift presented by the manuhiri (guests)
  11. 17. Carved slab over the door of the wharenui
  12. 19. Person calling the welcome onto the marae