The Marshall Islands

  1. 2. Body of water that surrounds me
  2. 7. Popular food besides copra
  3. 8. Gained this in 1986
  4. 10. 9th president of the country
  5. 11. The type of testing the U.S. used beginning in 1946
  6. 12. How many districts of atolls
  7. 13. Symbol on the top left of the country flag
  1. 1. Capital of the Marshall Islands
  2. 3. Type of government
  3. 4. Same currency as U.S.
  4. 5. The Marshall Islands are considered this because the main two languages are English and Marshallese
  5. 6. Culture of the Marshall Islands that revolves around family and hospitality
  6. 7. Largest export
  7. 9. People who visit the island each year