The Mass: The Treasure of the Church

  1. 1. This person may also read the Gospel: D_____
  2. 4. The Priest does this to the Gospel after proclaiming it.
  3. 6. A person who may read the Gospel: P_____
  4. 10. The Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit: One God and _____ Divine Persons.
  5. 12. The Prayer of the ________ prays for the world, the Church, ourselves and those who have died.
  6. 15. This reading comes from the New Testament.
  7. 16. At the beginning of Mass, the Priest kisses the ____.
  8. 17. God speaks to us through His W___.
  1. 1. Jesus is fully human and fully ______.
  2. 2. The _____ reading may come from the Old Testament.
  3. 3. The words of Jesus: G______
  4. 5. We do this during the first and second reading.
  5. 7. The Priest says: "The Lord be with you" and we say: "And with your ______"
  6. 8. The opening prayer which the Priest offers to God the Father.
  7. 9. When the Gospel is read, we _____.
  8. 11. We stand as we sing the opening ____.
  9. 13. The first and second readings may be read by the p_____.
  10. 14. This prayer is a summary of our Catholic Faith: The _____