  1. 2. 9132 rounded to its nearest ten
  2. 3. seventy-one thousand one-hundred ten
  3. 8. 9000+600+50+4
  4. 11. 6798-1176
  5. 13. seventy thousand nine hundred fifty-one
  6. 14. 288 rounded to its nearest hundred
  7. 15. 69793-53311
  8. 18. 6000+100+50+4
  9. 19. one-hundred forty-eight
  10. 21. 4000+400+90
  11. 22. 1122 rounded to its nearest place
  12. 24. 5198103+ 2460771
  13. 26. 7000+600+20+9
  14. 28. 3111 rounded to its nearest thousand
  15. 29. 777199-104131
  1. 1. 1457100+2375015
  2. 4. 60000+1000+200+30+1
  3. 5. 2901 rounded to its nearest hundred
  4. 6. 939 rounded to its nearest ten
  5. 7. 595 rounded to its nearest hundred
  6. 9. 3000+500+60+1
  7. 10. 500+50+6
  8. 12. 60000+1000+200+1
  9. 15. 79561+67896
  10. 16. 3611 rounded to its nearest thousand
  11. 17. 5139 rounded to its nearest ten
  12. 20. eighty-one thousand seventy-two
  13. 23. thirty-six thousand-thirteen
  14. 25. 756 rounded to its nearest hundred
  15. 27. 6000+400+30+2