The Meaning of Friendship

  1. 1. Acronymn for "Best Friend Forever"
  2. 3. Studies show that friends share 1% of their _______. Talk about genetics!
  3. 5. Research says that being friends with people of different ages can make you more ______.
  4. 6. In Spongebob's jingle about "Fun," the "U" stands for You and _____.
  5. 9. Studies show that these last longer when a friendship develops first.
  6. 13. Guys develop friendships by doing _________ together.
  7. 16. The ancient _______ really valued friendship and had many stories about it.
  8. 17. Research shows that only one out of ______ friendships lasts a lifetime.
  9. 19. Knowing what _________ your friend can make the bond stronger.
  10. 20. Having friends allows us to have this caring characteristic.
  11. 21. An ________ from one species can form a friendship with a member of another species.
  1. 1. This band sang the song "With a Little Help from My Friends"
  2. 2. ______-the-Pooh was named the international ambassador of friendship in 1997.
  3. 4. Did you know that your _________ friendships will take place between the time you're 18 and 26?
  4. 7. Friendships between girls rely on ______.
  5. 8. This is one of the most important qualities of a good friendship.
  6. 10. Our best friends often know our deepest darkest ________.
  7. 11. Having a trusted network of friends can help you beat illnesses and diseases, including ______.
  8. 12. Having a well-connected social network can reduce this.
  9. 14. "The best _______ is an old friend," according to George Herbert.
  10. 15. When you were little, you may have had one of these invisible friends.
  11. 18. Can men and ________ be just friends? The jury is still out on that one!