The Middle Ages

  1. 5. Code of knightly behavior
  2. 6. The "Holy Land" for Christians, Jews, and Muslims
  3. 9. Christian holy war to take back Jerusalem
  4. 13. Medieval system of alliances and relationships
  5. 15. Association of merchants or artisans
  1. 1. Armored horsemen who owed loyalty to a lord
  2. 2. Exile from the Roman Catholic Church as a punishment for refusing to obey Church law
  3. 3. Peasant bound to the land, who traded service for food and protection
  4. 4. Religious officials or people who work for the church
  5. 7. Person receiving a fief
  6. 8. Land given by a lord to his vassal
  7. 10. Having to do with nonreligious or worldly matters, instead of religious matters
  8. 11. Gave vassals land in exchange for loyalty and military service
  9. 12. A synonym for "middle ages" or "dark ages"
  10. 14. The self-sufficient village and surrounding land on which the lord lived