The Middle Ages

  1. 2. a mound of earth on which a tower was built.
  2. 4. To surround a castle or town and try to capture it.
  3. 8. the courtyard inside a castle walls.
  4. 9. Something that is very holy and special.
  5. 12. to do with the Middle Ages
  6. 14. the gateway defending the drawbridge.
  7. 17. These were full time professional soldiers who were well trained & paid
  8. 20. A council of noblemen that advised English kings.
  9. 21. a projection in the battlements of a wall with openings through which missiles could be dropped on besiegers.
  10. 25. Holes holes in the ceiling between the main gate and inner portcullis through which arrows, rocks and hot oil could be dropped.
  11. 28. The part of an army that fights on horseback.
  12. 30. houses for soldiers
  13. 31. Shaft The attackers might try and crawl up the shaft, but may get stuck
  14. 32. a heavy timber platform built to cross a moat that could be raised and lowered.
  15. 35. Soldiers who would dig under a castle wall.
  16. 36. A machine used to fire rocks at the castle
  17. 37. The bones of an important person, or something that belonged to that person.
  1. 1. Tower A large wooden tower protected by animal skins
  2. 3. a strong stone tower. The main stronghold.
  3. 5. a strong fence built around the motte and bailey.
  4. 6. Fire a mixture of tar, oil and sulphur which could not be put out with water. Only urine could put the fire out
  5. 7. defensive stone or earth wall surrounding castle.
  6. 10. heavy timber or metal grill that protected the castle entrance and could be raised or lowered to stop or trap attackers.
  7. 11. the narrow wall built around the wall walk to protect against attack.
  8. 13. The part of an army that fights on foot.
  9. 15. loop or slit a narrow vertical slit cut into a wall through which arrows could be fired.
  10. 16. a deep trench usually filled with water that surrounded a castle.
  11. 18. a promise
  12. 19. Walls two sets of walls, one inside the other.
  13. 22. Wall a connecting wall joining two towers.
  14. 23. could fire rocks or quicklime, sometimes rotting animal corpses were even fired into the castle
  15. 24. Deputy king
  16. 26. These were part time, unpaid soldiers who were called up when the country was in danger.
  17. 27. Passed down through the family
  18. 29. skilled archer could fire an arrow over 200 metres or even straight through the arrow slits in the castle walls
  19. 33. A group of people who fight or protest
  20. 34. Ram A tree trunk hanging on a wooden frame, protected by an animal skin roof