The Money Market

  1. 3. something you pay with
  2. 6. an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.
  3. 9. a card allowing the holder to transfer money electronically from their bank account when making a purchase.
  4. 10. cash on hand or an asset that can be readily converted to cash.
  5. 12. a bank that offers services to the general public and to companies.
  6. 14. the trade in short-term loans between banks and other financial institutions.
  7. 17. specific division of banking related to the creation of capital for other companies, governments and other entities.
  8. 18. an investment asset whose value is derived from a contractual claim of what they represent.
  9. 19. an organization (which is often, but not always, a company or business) based on the principle of mutuality
  10. 21. amount of units of money circulated in the economy during a given period of time
  11. 23. item of economic, commercial, or exchange value that has a material existence.
  12. 24. a deficit in a bank account caused by drawing more money than the account holds.
  13. 25. an account at a bank or building society from which money may be withdrawn without notice, typically an active account catering for frequent deposits and withdrawals by cheque.
  14. 26. debt-based funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution such as a bank.
  15. 27. a bank account that pays interest and is usually not able to be drawn on without notice or loss of interest.
  1. 1. money placed into banking institutions for safekeeping.
  2. 2. fixed amount of money borrowed at a fix rate and repaid over a fixed amount of time.
  3. 4. proportion of an amount loaned which a lender charges as interest to the borrower, normally expressed as an annual percentage.
  4. 5. an arrangement made with a bank that allows a third party to transfer money from a person's account on agreed dates, typically in order to pay bills.
  5. 7. a legal agreement by which a bank, building society, etc. lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.
  6. 8. an entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in a financial transaction, such as a commercial bank, investment banks, mutual funds and pension funds.
  7. 11. assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange.
  8. 13. a deposit account.
  9. 15. a small plastic card issued by a bank, building society, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
  10. 16. company engaged in the business of dealing with financial and monetary transactions such as deposits, loans, investments, and currency exchange.
  11. 20. system based on the principles of Islamic or Sharia law and guided by Islamic economics.
  12. 22. member-owned financial cooperative that is created and operated by members and shares profits with owners.