The Money Market

  1. 1. financial institution that accepts deposits, offers checking account services
  2. 3. cardholders to borrow funds
  3. 6. debt of less than one year
  4. 8. deducts money directly from a consumer's checking account
  5. 10. Physical currency
  6. 14. loan provided by a bank
  7. 15. individual borrows money for personal need
  8. 17. financial services that engages in advisory-based financial transactions on behalf of individuals, corporations, and governments
  9. 19. Non-Physical Assets
  10. 21. financial transaction in which one person withdraws funds from another person's bank account
  11. 22. Money placed into banking institutions for safekeeping
  1. 2. Exchange for Cash
  2. 4. Central banks, retail and commercial banks, internet banks
  3. 5. debt security issued by a government
  4. 7. country's imports and exports of goods
  5. 9. Tangible assets
  6. 11. interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank
  7. 12. Islamic finance or shariah-compliant finance
  8. 13. agreement by which a bank, lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property
  9. 16. debt-based funding arrangement between a business
  10. 18. value that would be returned to a company's shareholders if all of the assets were liquidated\
  11. 20. amount of interest due per period