The Month of January

  1. 3. - Warm comfort food.
  2. 5. - Extremely cold temperatures.
  3. 7. - Cold-weather injury.
  4. 9. - Hand protection in cold weather.
  5. 11. - January 1st celebration.
  6. 12. - Festive season in some cultures.
  7. 13. - Political event in January.
  1. 1. - Promises for self-improvement.
  2. 2. - Civil rights leader's day.
  3. 3. - Winter precipitation.
  4. 4. - Extremely cold temperatures.
  5. 5. - Cold-loving bird.
  6. 6. - Winter dormancy for animals.
  7. 8. - Severe snowstorm.
  8. 10. - Zodiac sign for late January.