The Mortons

  1. 2. Bride's enneagram type
  2. 5. Bride’s middle name
  3. 7. Groom’s favorite food
  4. 10. Groom’s drink of choice
  5. 11. Bride’s drink of choice
  6. 15. Groom's enneagram type
  7. 16. Bride’s favorite food
  8. 17. Bride and groom’s alma mater
  9. 19. The groom's favorite author
  10. 21. Growing up, the groom played basketball, cross country, and _________.
  11. 22. Mascot of the bride’s second alma mater
  12. 23. Growing up, the bride played tennis, pole vaulting, and _________.
  1. 1. Groom’s hometown
  2. 3. Groom’s middle name
  3. 4. The bride walked down the aisle to ‘willow’ and ‘invisible string’ by her favorite artist, _____________.
  4. 6. Gemstone in the bride’s engagement ring
  5. 8. Mascot of the groom’s second alma mater
  6. 9. The bride's favorite author
  7. 12. The newlyweds’ cat, Percy, is named after Percy _____________.
  8. 13. The newlyweds’ first dance song is ‘banks’ by the band _______________.
  9. 14. Location of the newlyweds’ first kiss
  10. 18. Location of the newlyweds’ first date
  11. 20. Bride’s hometown