  1. 4. The myosin molecules’ globular heads that protrude from a thick filament within a muscle fiber and interact with the actin molecules in the thin filaments to bring about a shortening of the muscle fiber during contraction
  2. 5. A single muscle cell, which is relatively long and cylindrical in shape
  3. 6. Involuntary muscle in the walls of hollow organs and tubes innervated by the autonomic nervous system
  4. 9. One of the regulatory proteins in the thin filaments of muscle fibers
  5. 10. Specialized cytoskeletal structures within the skeletal muscle that are made up of actin, tropomyosin, and troponin molecules and interact with the thick filaments to shorten during muscle contraction
  6. 12. Striated muscle, which is attached to the skeleton and is responsible for the movement of the bones in purposeful relation to one another; innervated by the somatic nervous system and under voluntary control
  7. 13. One of the regulatory proteins in the thin filaments of muscle fibers
  8. 15. A giant, highly elastic protein that extends in both directions from the M line along the length of the thick filament to the Z lines and is responsible for the parallel elastic component of the muscle fiber
  9. 16. The functional unit of skeletal muscle; the area between two Z lines within a myofibril
  10. 22. A specialized intracellular structure of muscle cells that contains the contractile apparatus
  11. 23. A perpendicular in-folding of the surface membrane of a muscle fiber; rapidly spreads surface electric activity into the central portions of the muscle fiber
  12. 24. During embryonic development, the huge skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the fusion of many smaller cells
  13. 25. One of the light bands that alternate with dark (A) bands to create a striated appearance in a skeletal or cardiac muscle fiber when these fibers are viewed with a light microscope
  1. 1. The ATP-powered cross-bridge binding and bending that pulls the thin filaments in closer together between the thick filaments during contraction of a muscle fiber
  2. 2. The smallest component of an organ that can perform all the functions of the organ
  3. 3. Troponin and tropomyosin, which play a role in regulating muscle contraction by either covering or exposing the sites of interaction between actin and the myosin cross-bridges
  4. 7. Spans the gap between the T tubule and the lateral sac and serve as Ca2+ release channels and are also known as ryanodine receptors
  5. 8. The specialized muscle found only in the heart
  6. 10. Specialized cytoskeletal structures within the skeletal muscle that are made up of myosin molecules and interact with the thin filaments to shorten the fiber during muscle contraction
  7. 11. One of the dark bands that alternate with light (I) bands to create a striated appearance in a skeletal or cardiac muscle fiber when these fibers are viewed with a light microscope
  8. 14. A fine meshwork of interconnected tubules that surrounds a muscle fiber’s myofibrils; contains expanded lateral sacs, which store calcium that is released into the cytosol in response to a local action potential
  9. 17. Supporting proteins that hold the thick filaments together vertically within each stack
  10. 18. The lighter area within the middle of the A band, where the thin filaments do not reach
  11. 19. The expanded saclike regions of a muscle fiber’s sarcoplasmic reticulum; store and release calcium, which plays a key role in triggering muscle contraction
  12. 20. The protein forming the thick filaments in muscle fibers
  13. 21. A flattened disclike cytoskeletal protein that connects the thin filaments of two adjoining sarcomeres