The Name Game

  1. 1. In the science of classification: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and _______.
  2. 6. A classification where multiple attributes could describe an item
  3. 7. A system of classification and sub-classification according to items’ relationships
  4. 9. Controlled vocabularies are used to determine consistent _____________.
  5. 11. A one-dimensional classification where items are arranged from a broader term to a more narrow term
  6. 12. A bird that impales its prey
  1. 2. A type of vocabulary where a carefully selected list of words is used to tag documents so they may be more easily retrieved by a search
  2. 3. Another word for folksonomy
  3. 4. We did several group exercises to _________ various pictures
  4. 5. A practical application for a faceted taxonomy
  5. 8. In the group exercise, the mockingbird could fit into the faceted STATE SYMBOLS taxonomy or the hierarchical _______ taxonomy
  6. 10. One objective of the workshop was to help us _______ things in order to classify them