The Names of C5

  1. 3. Her class number is 1 & she wore curlers in her hair for the 120th day
  2. 5. He brought in a mini Yoda & a Slider mascot
  3. 6. His Valentines bag was in the shape of Squidward’s house
  4. 11. Brought in Yeti in my Spaghetti for game day
  5. 13. She loves Beanie Boos & pandas
  6. 14. Great leader who brought us Connect 4 for her bday
  7. 15. Wore glasses that said ‘LUCKY’ for St. Patrick’s Day
  8. 16. Sits at table 2 and joined our class in November
  9. 18. Has a brother named Ben & is the first to get to C5 every morning
  10. 19. Sweet girl at table 4 who is great buddies with Janie
  11. 20. Your teacher!
  12. 21. She had her arm in a sling for a little while this year
  13. 22. Loves lemurs
  1. 1. Dressed as a Browns player for Halloween & loves PIZZA
  2. 2. He won the Smartie stacking challenge
  3. 4. An awesome leader who sits at table 2 & also plays soccer.
  4. 7. She brought in the book What should Darla Do?
  5. 8. She brought a special baby blanket in for our class baby shower
  6. 9. She was the Star Student Buddy the same week as Miranda
  7. 10. Brought us Jenga for his birthday
  8. 12. Made a Lakers Jersey for his Valentines box
  9. 15. We sang her happy birthday at 3:16pm during math
  10. 17. Had yellow eyebrows & a mustache like the Lorax