The Natural

  1. 3. Memo is Bump Bailey's _____.
  2. 5. Name of Roy's bat.
  3. 8. What kind of day did the fans put on in honor of Roy.
  4. 9. Main character in the story.
  5. 11. Roy mistaken a _____ for a ball and caught it.
  6. 12. Pete wanted Roy to hit a _________ for him,
  7. 15. Type of person Bump used to go see to ease his nerves.
  8. 18. Young, blackhaired woman, wearing a red dress.
  1. 1. Roy used to be a _______ called BoBo.
  2. 2. At the biginning, Pop calls Roy's great play ______________.
  3. 3. Iris is not just a mother, but also a _________.
  4. 4. Until Roy came along, the Knight's feild was horrible becuase they were in a ______.
  5. 6. Leading hitter on the team when Roy got there.
  6. 7. The reason Memo did not want to be with Roy because he was _____.
  7. 10. In the middle of Roy's career, he got into a _______ with his batting.
  8. 13. Roy and Memo could not go swimming because the water was ________.
  9. 14. Person Roy went to when he wanted a raise
  10. 16. Roy's position on defense.
  11. 17. What team does the scout ask Roy to play for?
  12. 19. Item Iris gave Roy before he left.