The Nature-Nurture Debate

  1. 4. Behaviour is a product of environmental factors.
  2. 5. This refers to the material in each of the cells in your body, that acts like a set of 'switches' to turn genes on or off.
  3. 6. The __________ approach says that all behaviour can be explained in terms of experience alone.
  4. 8. ___________ worked with kittens to show how experience can effect innate systems.
  1. 1. The ___________ model suggests that a persons nature is only expressed under certain conditions of nurture.
  2. 2. Behaviour is a product of innate factors.
  3. 3. The view that nature and nurture work together, rather than in opposition.
  4. 7. John Locke described the newborn infant as a __________; a blank slate on which experience is written.