The Nature of Literacy

  1. 2. the belief that one can carry out the actions necessary to achieve a goal
  2. 6. a literacy theory in which reading is viewed as a transaction between the reader and the text
  3. 9. is the difference between independent performance and potential performance as determined through problem solving under the guidance of an adult or more capable peer
  4. 10. the component of language that has to do with meaningful word parts, such as roots and affixes
  5. 11. is the analysis of a group of studies on the same topic
  6. 12. a literary theory in which reading is viewed as a careful analysis of the text, close reading is a key tool used in this approach
  7. 13. the belief that abilities and personal qualities are fixed and cannot be changed
  8. 16. an approach to instruction in which goals, criteria for success, progress, next steps, and other key aspects of the learning process are understood by both the teacher and the students
  9. 18. the language component that has to do with the way in which words are arranged in a sentence
  10. 20. the language component that consists of producing and understanding speech sounds
  11. 21. a philosophy of learning that describes the activities of an organism in terms of observable actions or behaviors
  12. 22. a condition or consequence that increases the likelihood that a certain behavior will occur in response to a stimulus
  13. 24. refers to the kind of processing in which meaning is derived from the accurate, sequential processing of words
  14. 25. refers to the position or attitude that the reader takes
  15. 31. the belief held by a group of teachers in a school that they can effect positive changes in the educational achievement of students
  16. 33. those in which the answer can be found directly states in the text, or can be inferred from information in the text combined with the reader's knowledge
  17. 35. one in which the directions for using the program are so detailed that teachers are provided with the exact words to be used for instruction
  18. 36. the component of language that has to do with the intonation and rhythm of speech pf speech: pitch, stress, and juncture
  19. 37. includes using a digital technologies but also includes the social practices, such as social networking and texting, associated with advances in technologies
  20. 38. is a personal quality that include resiliency in the face of failure and making a commitment to goals and sticking to that commitment
  21. 39. refers to the type of reading in which "the reader focuses on experiencing the piece, the rhythm of the words, the past experiences the words call up"
  22. 40. refers to deriving meaning by using one's background knowledge, language ability, and expectations
  23. 41. hold the theoretical position that reading involves processing text and using one's background knowledge and language ability
  1. 1. cognitive structures or thought patterns in which children organize experiences and knowledge in order to understand their environment
  2. 3. students whose native language is not English and who cannot participate effectively in the regular curriculum because they have difficulty speaking, understanding, reading, and writing in English-speaking classrooms
  3. 4. the process by which concepts or schemes are modified or new ones created to accommodate new knowledge
  4. 5. the component of language that has to do with engaging in effective communication, such as knowing how to take turns in a conversation, using proper tone, and using terms of politeness
  5. 6. a process in which we construct meaning forom print
  6. 7. a cognitive philosophy of learning that describes learning as an active process in which the learner constructs mental models of reality individually and in interaction with others
  7. 8. is an approach to learning in which self-talk and rewards are used to replace faulty learning habits and beliefs with effective habits and strategies and realistic beliefs
  8. 14. refers to the support and guidance provided by an adult or more capable peer that helps a student function on a higher level
  9. 15. the standards or characteristics by which a learning task is judged and include performance statements or descriptions, checklists, and rubrics
  10. 17. an activity, strategy, or intervention that has been shown to be statistically superior or promising in a well-implemented study or demonstrates that it is likely to have positive outcomes
  11. 19. means that the reader closely analyzes the text and how the author uses language and literary devices to convey information or a message
  12. 23. refers to a kind of reading in which the focus is on obtaining or carrying away information from the reading
  13. 26. the belief that abilities and personal qualities can be changed through work and effort
  14. 27. the component of language that has to do with meaning
  15. 28. a cognitive philosophy of learning that describes learning as an active process in which the learner constructs mental models of reality
  16. 29. the analysis of text in terms of their fairness to all groups and adherence to equity
  17. 30. a philosophy of learning that describes the activities of an organism in terms of both observable actions actions or behaviors and internal or mental states
  18. 32. the process of incorporating new ideas into existing ones
  19. 34. refers to the relationship between the reader and the text in which meaning is created as the text is conditioned by the reader and the reader is conditioned by the text