The Nature of the Church

  1. 4. The ultimate purpose of the Church
  2. 5. We serve Christ by serving _______
  3. 6. Number of marks Christians believe in that allow the Church to be recognized
  4. 7. A society formed by God
  5. 9. Another word for spiritual; part of the 1st point in the Nature of the Church
  6. 11. Connects back the Church originating with the apostles
  7. 12. Unity in the Church
  8. 13. Jesus' death provided sufficient ______ to save all men
  9. 14. The Church needs _________ in the roles of its members to survive
  10. 16. The visible head of the Church
  11. 18. Imagery used in the New Testament to show the Church's ability to grow
  1. 1. The Church is ______ in origin
  2. 2. The result of imperfections in our human nature
  3. 3. These marks are included in this prayer
  4. 6. Christ identifies his __________ as himself
  5. 7. When we are judged before Jesus it will be on the basis of our _______
  6. 8. Another word for "universal"
  7. 10. The Body of Christ is nurtured through graces received through _______
  8. 15. Number of parts which make up the Nature of the Church
  9. 17. The Church is made of individuals working together to help each other and occasionally members must be ______ to keep the whole healthy