- 4. The ultimate purpose of the Church
- 5. We serve Christ by serving _______
- 6. Number of marks Christians believe in that allow the Church to be recognized
- 7. A society formed by God
- 9. Another word for spiritual; part of the 1st point in the Nature of the Church
- 11. Connects back the Church originating with the apostles
- 12. Unity in the Church
- 13. Jesus' death provided sufficient ______ to save all men
- 14. The Church needs _________ in the roles of its members to survive
- 16. The visible head of the Church
- 18. Imagery used in the New Testament to show the Church's ability to grow
- 1. The Church is ______ in origin
- 2. The result of imperfections in our human nature
- 3. These marks are included in this prayer
- 6. Christ identifies his __________ as himself
- 7. When we are judged before Jesus it will be on the basis of our _______
- 8. Another word for "universal"
- 10. The Body of Christ is nurtured through graces received through _______
- 15. Number of parts which make up the Nature of the Church
- 17. The Church is made of individuals working together to help each other and occasionally members must be ______ to keep the whole healthy