The New Nation

  1. 1. people behave in a way that is fair, equal, and balanced for everyone
  2. 3. the branch of government that enforces our country’s laws; headed by the president of the United States
  3. 7. leads our country with a system of checks and balances and shares its power with state governments
  4. 9. the branch of government that makes the laws and sets taxes; headed by Congress
  5. 12. all people are treated the same, regardless of who they are
  6. 14. the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality
  1. 2. talking in an appropriate way with other people to build understanding
  2. 4. rights that you are born with
  3. 5. leads our towns, cities, and counties
  4. 6. the branch of government that enforces our country’s laws; headed by the President of the United States
  5. 8. financial choices and privileges that individuals may select without government prohibition.
  6. 10. the rights of citizens to participate at the local, state, and national level without government interference, including the right to vote, petition, assemble, and run for public office
  7. 11. controls laws within each state
  8. 13. making sure that all people are treated equally
  9. 14. people thinking about what is best for everyone and make decisions that benefit most members of a community
  10. 15. an amount added to the cost of goods and services; fees that citizens pay for services