The New Peasantries

  1. 4. The La Via _______ is an organization that represents peasants around the world.
  2. 6. Women provide a significant ______ role in rural areas.
  3. 7. The UN Declaration on the Right of Peasants states that they have the right to save, exchange, and sell farm-saved ____
  4. 8. The main source of wealth for peasants.
  5. 10. The UN stands for:
  1. 1. Food _____ is the right of people to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods.
  2. 2. A pre-industrial agricultural laborer or farmer with limited land ownership:
  3. 3. This type of farming is bad for the environment and makes up 30% of the farming.
  4. 5. The UN _____ is the document that provides the rights to peasants.
  5. 9. About _____ percent of peasant farming makes up the world’s food.