The Newlyweds

  1. 3. honeymoon local
  2. 5. first date dinner
  3. 7. promises made at wedding
  4. 10. Bride
  5. 12. best man
  6. 15. wedding food
  7. 17. Groom occupation
  8. 18. game at wedding
  9. 20. Elizabeth's occupation
  10. 21. brides initials
  11. 22. Brides eye color
  12. 24. guestbook
  13. 26. exit strategy
  14. 28. where food and dance happen
  15. 30. engagement month
  16. 31. wedding ceremony walkway
  1. 1. Elizabeth's birthplace
  2. 2. people that attend weddings
  3. 4. Proposal Place
  4. 6. what the bride carries down the aisle
  5. 8. Tyler's favorite hobby
  6. 9. Matron of honor
  7. 11. New Home Town
  8. 13. commitment symbol
  9. 14. on getaway car
  10. 16. wedding chariot
  11. 17. flower commonly named the hortensia
  12. 19. Tyler's birthplace
  13. 20. Grooms initials
  14. 23. one flavor of the cake
  15. 25. gift for guest
  16. 26. Elizabeth's hobby
  17. 27. cake topping
  18. 29. Groom