The Yeetus Wordis Speakes Thingis Put togeterus/ The woppie doppie word makey thingis

  1. 4. it's cool
  2. 8. clock
  3. 9. midnight
  4. 11. it's cold
  5. 12. it rains
  6. 14. it's cloudy
  7. 15. it's sunny
  8. 16. summer
  9. 17. it's windy
  10. 18. noon
  1. 1. it snows
  2. 2. cloud
  3. 3. it drizzles
  4. 5. what is the weather like?
  5. 6. ice
  6. 7. It's hot
  7. 10. lightning
  8. 13. spring
  9. 14. winter
  10. 16. fall